
Showing posts from May, 2019

Get Rid Of The Ice With Deicers

Snow is a common problem when freezing weather hits. Roads get jammed, and sidewalks and driveways become dangerously slick. If you have ever gotten out there with a shovel in extremely cold weather, you would probably know how ice clings to the driveway! Liquid deicers for driveways are chemicals, which can be used to break or prevent a bond between the ice and concrete, making it easier for you to shovel. However, when using these products, it is important to ensure that they are applied sparingly and according to package instructions, as anti-icers contain chemicals that can be toxic to the environment and corrosive to the driveway concrete. Here are a few tips on how to deice properly- Don’t overuse the liquid- Use the minimum amount of deicer or anti-icer needed. Using a lot of liquid does not only break the bond and makes shoveling difficult, melting does not happen at all. Use the liquid early - The sooner you start applying an ice removal product, the better. Head out rig...