3 Tips to Choose The Right Toolbox for Your Truck

For the truck enthusiasts who are always on the lookout for things that can be used to keep their tools secure in their vehicle, a good quality truck toolbox can be a great investment. You won’t be able to better pair than your truck and your truck’s toolbox — they work best when paired. Just like any other excellent pair, you might want to make sure that this duo works before you get started with these. With that in mind, let’s look at 3 useful tips you can take help from when choosing the right sliding truck bed toolbox (or any other toolbox for that matter) to complement your monstrous vehicle truck.

  • Top-Mounted - These are placed behind the cab and are equipped with a combination of a variety of storage compartments.
  • Side-Mounted - They are designed in various sizes, that can be fitted onto the inner rail of the truck bed, either as pairs or alone.
  • Cross bed Tool Box - These are pretty much close to one-size-fits-all design, these boxes are placed in between the bed sides just like a bridge.
  • Hitch Mount - They can be locked onto a trailer post in the truck’s back and the great thing being that they do not take up any extra space.

After you have successfully figured out which truck toolbox style you will use, you then have to find something that you can say is safe to use. See to it that it is safe for you, your truck and your tools. When you venture out with a box comprised of loads of tools and equipment, it might be enticing to overlook at the fact that these are hazardous items. 


Irrespective of the layout, style, materials or security of the box, the complete affair is a wasted lesson if you bring with yourself a toolbox that does not fit into your truck. Measure twice, cut once should be your mantra when you are in such a scenario. Before investing in a truck bed slide out toolbox, make sure you get all the measurements right. 


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