Which Type Of Salt Spreader To Choose?

Soon summer will be over, and the region with high snowfall and low temperatures will start covering in the white blanket. To keep going and doing your job, it is necessary to spread salt on the snow for making pathways. Whether it is your house pathway or roads spreading salt using hands could be exhausting, you need salt spreader for the quick and effortless results. There are a number of sand and salt spreaders available in the market depending upon your requirement. With the help of this article, you will be able to know the most common type of salt spreaders available.

1. Walk Behind Salt Spreader

If you need to spread the salt on a very small area or sidewalk, then the walk behind salt spreader is perfect. This type of spreader does not require any vehicle to carry and inexpensive option to deal with the snow. However, if you wish to deal with you a much bigger area, then this salt spreader won’t be a good option.

2. Tailgate salt spreader

To spread salt on long driveways and bigger parking lot tailgate salt spreaders are used, These spreaders can be easily mounted on 1 ton of pickup truck and dragged along to spread the salt. The latest tailgate salt spreaders come with extra mountings, and low profile design for the driver to get a clear rear view.

3. V Box salt spreader

This type of salt spread used by the municipal corporation for heavy-duty operations including the city roads and other commercial places. V Box salt spreader is used with any of the utility vehicles including pickups, dump, platform, and other trucks. The spreader is capable of holding up to 2.5 cubic yards of salt and spread it convincingly in no time. VI Box salt spreader also requires to have some spare salt spreader parts to keep it working for a long time.


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